Br'er Filled With Guilt & Diamonds

Filled With Guilt & Diamonds runs the gamut between more accessible pop songwriting and noise music that is heavily influenced by modern classical and avant-garde composition. "Painted Lady" is intricately arranged shoegaze pop and includes Nat Baldwin (Dirty Projectors) on upright bass. Its explosion of color at the end is in stark contrast to the mechanized horrors of album closers, "Sugar Bear," a voice and noise piece including Charles Cohen, and "Catch a Falling Knife," an avant-garde chamber pop song rife with organ, baritone sax, piano, harp, and noise. The album represents the schizophrenic nature of Br'er and showcases the two primary focuses that exist in Schurr's songwriting, blistering pop arrangement, and dissonant noise music.

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Br'er - Filled With Guilt & Diamonds

Released on October 27th, 2009

Out of Print


Side A:
1. Written Houses
2. Painted Lady
3. Katie Did

Side B:
1. Centralia
2. Sugar Bear
3. Catch a Falling Knife